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In 2021
Gaishi was listed on Beijing Stock Exchange.
In 2020
Shanghai Gaishi Food Technology Co., Ltd. was established,and in the same year, Jiangsu Gaishi Food Co., Ltd. was established.
In 2019
Dalian Gaishi Shunda Seafood Co., Ltd. was established.
In 2018
Gaishi acquired the certifications from Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) and Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), And input Amoeba business system.
In 2017
35 employees were granted internal equity incentive, and Enjoy Co., Ltd was established.
In 2016
NEEQ listed (Stock code: 836826). “组识体统”导到
In 2015
the products were launched on Alibaba international website and Taobao.From then on, E-commerce operation started.
In 2014
Gaishi began to produce high-end fish roe products for Japan COOP, and the factory management was further improved.
In 2013
The sales volume of the strategic commodity Seasoned Seaweed Salad began to grow rapidly.
In 2011
Gaishi deepened the construction of corporate culture, establish the company's mission, vision and value.
In 2010
Gaishi was approved as the "National Key Leading Enterprise of Agricultural Industrialization".
In 2009
Gaishi was approved as "National Edible Fungus Processing Technology Research and Development Sub-Center".
In 2008
Gaishi implemented the "Troika" sales strategy, began to explore the domestic market, EU and US markets.
In 2007
Gaishi acquired ISO and HACCP certifications, and the management began to standardize.
In 2006
Dalian Gaishi Lvshun new factory officially put into production.
In 2002
Dalian Gaishi Food Co., Ltd. was established.
Copyright:Dalian Gaishi Food Co., Ltd ICP:liaoICP No. Technical Support:
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